
International Year (164 з.е.)

Академический обмен

для иностранных студентов

Документ Государственный сертификат ФЭСН РАНХиГС
Обучение от триместра до 1 года
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Факультет предлагает студентам университетов дружественных стран присоединиться к программе International Year (164 з.е.) и учиться вместе со студентами ФЭСН.

Каждый иностранный студент может выбрать свой набор управленческих дисциплин и учебные курсы на английском языке, исходя из своего учебного плана и изучать их в течение одного триместра, семестра или на протяжении всего года.

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Вместе с российскими и иностранными преподавателями свои учебные курсы читают ведущие специалисты международных компаний.

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Схема учебного процесса

I trimester. September – December
Discipline Level ECTS Professor
Cambridge English: General Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Language and Culture

Theme 2.Lives and Legends

Theme 3. Hot and Cold

Theme 4. Friends and Strangers

Theme 5. Law and Order

Theme 6. Seen and Heard

Theme 7. Supply and Demand

Theme 8. Love and Hate

Theme 9. Alive and Well

Theme 10. Right and Wrong

Theme 11. Land and Sea

Theme 12. Magic and Mystery

Theme 13. Parents and Children

Theme 14. Power and Money

Theme 15. Rhyme and Reason

Theme 16. Dreams and Reality

Theme 17. Fact and Fiction

Theme 18. Light and Dark

Theme 19. Great and Small

Theme 20. Theory and Practice

Cambridge English: BEC Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -


Preparation for BEC exam: levels B2, C1

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Staff development and training

Theme 2.Job descriptions and job satisfaction

Theme 3. Getting the right job

Theme 4. Making contact

Theme 5. Breaking into the market

Theme 6. A stand at a trade fair

Theme 7. Being persuasive

Theme 8. Starting a business

Theme 9. Financing a start-up

Theme 10. Expanding into Europe

Theme 11. Presenting your business idea

Theme 12. Arranging business travel

Theme 13. Business conference

Theme 14. Business meetings

Theme 15. Spending the sales budget

Theme 16. Language and Culture

Theme 17. Social media and business

Theme 18. Business and the environment

Theme 19. A staff survey

Theme 20. Offshoring and outsourcing

Theme 21. Customer satisfaction and loyalty

Theme 22. Communication with customers

Theme 23. Corresponding with customers

Theme 24. Business across cultures

Theme 25. Launching a product

Cambridge English: CPE Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
Cambridge English: CAE Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: GMAT Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: TOEFL Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: IELTS Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
Second foreign language Undergraduate / Postgraduate 8 -
Russian language Undergraduate / Postgraduate 8 A. Haustova


Practical course of Russian language:

Theme 1.

Introduction to the Russian language course for foreigners. Learning to speak and read Russian. Alphabet. Letters and sounds. Concise data on Russian pronunciation. The accent. Intonation.

Theme 2.

Vowels. Hard consonants. Accent in two-syllable words. Reduction of vowels. Introduction of the declarative sentence (the completed statement).

Theme 3.

Hard consonants. Accent in three-syllable words. Intonation of an interrogative sentence (with an interrogative word). Intonation of an interrogative sentence (without an interrogative word). Devocalization of voiced consonants at the end of a word.

Theme 4.

Hard consonants. Devocalization of voiced consonants before unvoiced others. Consonant [j] and letter «й». Letters я, е, ё, ю.How to name months. How to nameddates in Russian.

Theme 5.

Soft consonants. Reduction of vowels [e], [a] after soft consonants.How to name colours.How to name days of week.

Theme 6.

Soft consonants. Revision exercise. Writing a short story about your friend in Russian.

Theme 7.

We study to understand and speak Russian. How to name a person, to point to an object (Animate and inanimate nouns. Gender of nouns). How to address somebody, to begin a conversation. How to call a person’s profession, trade or occupation. How to ask about the location of an object or a person and how to say where an object or a person is located (Adverbs denoting location). Gender of nouns.

Theme 8.

How to indicate plurality. How to find out to whom something belongs (Possessive pronouns). How to present somebody (oneself), how to acquaint somebody (get acquainted). How to describe an object / a person (Adjectives, possessive and denominative pronouns, ordinal numerals in singular). How to find out possession of something by another person (The Genitive case of nouns singular). How to ask and tell about one’s possession of something (Construction Уменяесть). How to find out the name of something.

Theme 9.

How to report an action (Conjunction I Verbs in the Present Tense). How to find out the time an action (Adverbs of time). How to report the lack of an object / the absence of a person (The Genitive case of nouns singular). How to name a person with whom the action is performed (The Instrumental case of nouns singular).

Theme 10.

How to report an action (Conjunction II Verbs in the Present Tense). How to describe an action (Adverbs). How to find out whether your conversation partner speaks some (foreign) language. How to express one’s attitude to something, one’s wish (любить, хотеть + an infinitive). How to express cause and effect. How to convey obligation, possibilities (должен, мочь + an infinitive). Revision exercise. Final presentation.

Personal and professional development Undergraduate 6 D. Dorobat, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Learning Skills

Multiple intelligence theory (Howard Gardner). Learning styles (Honey and Mumford learning styles, Kolb’s learning cycle, VAK learning style). The importance of reflection in writing

Theme 2. Academic skills

How to source relevant information. How to use academic databases. How to reference using the Harvard referencing method. Speed reading. Academic writing. Email etiquette

Theme 3. Preparing for a professional career 

How to write and structure a CV. Writing Cover letters and statement letters. Job interview skills. Impression management

Theme 4. Planning

SMART objectives. Time management principles. How to avoid procrastination. How to build a development plan

Business Environment Undergraduate 6 K.Diossi, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1.  Introduction to Business Etiquette

Conceptual differences: law, ethics, etiquette.

Theme 2.  Behaviour, Neatness and Clothing

Meeting and greeting business partners. Dealing with business cards. Introduction of business partners. Running conversations in person and on the phone. Handling unforeseeable situations. Business attire and neatness.

Theme 3.  Hospitality and Business Presents

Invitations and event etiquette. Business present policies.

Theme 4.  Business in Different Cultural Clusters

Using the GLOBE research the following clusters: Africa, Middle East, Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, Latin Europe, Latin America, Easterns Europe, East Asia and South Asia.

Principles of Business Law Undergraduate 6 L. Ruiz, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Entrepreneurship activity notion

Theme 2. Legal forms of entrepreneurship activity

Theme 3. State registration of entrepreneurship activity subjects

Theme 4. Obtain of rights for different types of entrepreneurship activity by its subjects. Selfregulation of entrepreneurship activity

Theme 5. Legal regulation of insolvency and bankruptcy of entrepreneurship activity subjects

Theme 6. Bases of legal regulation of competition defence

Theme 7. Peculiarities of legal regulation of entrepreneurship activity of small and medium business subjects

Theme 8. Legal regulation of evaluation activity

Theme 9. Legal regulation of audit activity

Theme 10. Legal regulation of advertising activity

Organizational Behavior Undergraduate 6 I. Tabachnikova, PhD

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Intro to the course Values, attitudes, and work behavior

Understand what organizational behavior is. Understand why organizational behavior matters.

Theme 2. Personality [Documentary: The Science of Personality], Perception and attribution

Learn the terminology of research. Understand the different types of OB research methods used.

Theme 3. Motivation in theory, Motivation in practice

Understand current challenges for OB. Understand current opportunities for OB.

Theme 4. Decision-making, Power, politics and ethics

Understand what constitutes diversity. Explain the benefits of managing diversity. Describe challenges of managing a workforce with diverse demographics. Describe the challenges of managing a multicultural workforce. Understand diversity and ethics. Understand cross-cultural issues regarding diversity. Explain what culture is. Define the four dimensions of culture that are part of Hofstede’s framework. Describe some ways in which national culture affects organizational behavior

Theme 5. Group dynamics and teams

Define personality and describe how it affects work behaviors. Understand the role of values in determining work behaviors. Explain the process of perception and how it affects work behaviors. Understand how individual differences affect ethics. Understand crosscultural influences on individual differences and perception

Theme 6. Leadership Conflict and stress

Explain the benefits of managing diversity effectively. Explain the challenges of diversity management. Describe the unique environment facing employees with specific traits such as gender, race, religion, physical disabilities, age and sexual orientation.

Theme 7. Seminar +Public Presentation

Project Management Undergraduate 6 E. Itsakov, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Project management activity contents

Contents of manager professional activity in project management. Relationship between business project elaboration and project management. A manager authority in project management and frames of their responsibility. Project manager duties.

Theme 2. Project realization process management

Choice of project realization technology. Process and functional approach to project management. A manager function in project management. Planning in project activity. Completion of project realization work plan. Planning with network graph. Project work volume management. Authority distribution in project management. Organizational structure and its role in project management.

Theme 3. Cost management in business project elaboration

Budgeting in project activity. Planning of resources necessary for project realization. Project estimate and budget completion.

Theme 4. Quality management in project activity

Notion and goals of project quality management. Role of planning in quality management. Analytical tools used in project quality control.

Theme 5. HR management in project activity

Contents of project HR management activity. HR planning and staff list completion. Organizational structure formation. Staff recruitment. Project staff development. Motivation and control of project staff.

Theme 6. Partnership establishment in project activity

Partnership types in project activity. Contract relationship. Tender activity organization in project management. Necessary resources procurement graph planning. Contract relationship in financial sphere: crediting, project financing, mezzanine lending, leasing.

Theme 7. Communication management in project activity and formation of relationship with stakeholders

Project stakeholders’ set and their interests. Stakeholders’ identification and methods of their involvement to project activity. Planning of cooperation with stakeholders. Communication process organization in project.

Negotiation Ethics and International Negotiation Undergraduate 6 K. Diossi, PhD


Structure of course:

After getting an overview on Negotiations and Communication the students learn to analyse a negotiation situation, identify the used strategies and choose the best respond strategy to win the negotiation.

Theme 1.  Negotiations Overview: Definition, Strategy, Process

Theme 2.  Communication Overview: Definition, Process, Context

Theme 3.  Communication Channels: Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication

Theme 4.  Negotiation Strategies

Building business models Postgraduate 6 A. Lipina, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Background for entrepreneurship

History, etymology, and main types of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship traits

Theme 2. Business models

History of business modelling. Porter’s (2008) Value chain analysis. Business model Canvas - Osterwalder et al., 2010. Lean Canvas - Maurya, 2010. Social Business Model Canvas - Social Innovation Lab, 2012. Value Model Canvas - Kraaijenbrink, 2012. Value Proposition Canvas - Osterwalder, 2012. Value Proposition Canvas - Thomson, 2013. Fluidminds Business Model Canvas - Fluidminds, 2013. Gear up Social Business Model Canvas -Kjellberg, Ramfelt and Kosnik, 2014. Social enterprise Canvas - Olson and Harker, 2014. Innovation Canvas - Owolabi, 2016. Value Triangle - Biloslavo, Bagnoli and Edgar, 2018. Balanced Scorecard - Kaplan and Norton, 1996. Component Business Model – IBM - Koppinger, 2009. V4BM - Al-Debei and Avinson, 2010. Open business model. Business Model Wheel. Strengths and limitations of all business models

Theme 3. Osterwalder and Pigneur’s (2010) Business Model Canvas components

Value proposition. Customer segment. Distribution and communication channels. Customer relationship management. Key Partners and Stakeholders. Key activities. Key resources. Investment. Revenue streams. Revenue management. Competition

Theme 4. Business Planning Template (additional needed components)

Workforce advantage. Ethical advantage. Performance management and measurement. Risk management

Theme 5. Creativity workshop

How to brainstorm innovative ideas. Problem solving tool – TRIZ ('Theory of Inventive Problem Genrich Altshuller)

Theme 6. Case studies

Sustainable Development Undergraduate 6 K. Diossi, PhD

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction to Sustainable Development

Theme 2. Sustainability as a Driver for Change and Innovation

Theme 3. Sustainability Strategies

Theme 4. Enforcing Sustainable Development

Theme 5. Business Sustainability Management

Leadership Undergraduate 6 D. Dorobat, PhD

Structure of course:

Theme 1. The basics of leadership

Essence and nature of leadership. Concepts of leadership and leadership style. Leadership and authority. Factors of the leadership formation. Legitimate leadership. Leadership based on the fear. Leadership based on the persuasion. Leadership based on the knowledge. Criterions of effective leadership. Great business-leaders of history.

Theme 2. Personal theories of leadership

Theories of personal qualities of leadership. Emotional leadership. Charismatic leadership. Specific features of the leader: physical characteristics, intelligence, characteristics of the character, social characteristics, characteristics associated with the involvment in the labour process. Blue chip in skills of the leader.

Theme 3. Behavioral and situational leadership

Management Theory of Douglas McGregor. Theory Z of William Ouchi. Leadership Models of Rensis Likert. Leadership Theory developed in The Ohio State University. Researches of The University of Michigan. Theory of situational leadership developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton. Hersey-Blanchard Leadership Theory. The Fiedler Leadership Model. The Model of Leadership Behavior of Tannenbaum and Schmidt. The Model of Leadership based on decision making. Substitutes and Neutralizers for Leadership.

Theme 4. Leader and the team

Leadership when working with a team. Responsibilities of a team in the organization. Characteristics of a highly efficient team. Team roles. Factors of team leadership. Leader of a successful team.

Theme 5. Functional leadership

The effectiveness in leadership. The administration in leadership. Entrepreneurship in leadership. Integration in leadership. The impact of leadership style on the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

Theme 6. The incompatibility of functions in a leadership style

Conflict of functions in a leadership style. Reasons for the incompatibility of functions in a leadership style. The impact of the combination of functions in leadership on the organization: a

functional, systematic, proactive and organic organization.

Theme 7. Styles of effective leadership

Characteristics of styles of effective leadership: producer, administrator, generator of ideas, entrepreneur, integrator. Perfect leadership. A complementary team of leaders.

Theme 8. Archetypes of ineffective leadership

A hero-loner. Bureaucrat. A warmonger. A passionate supporter. A supervisor. Caring bureaucrat. Coach of the minor league. The founder. An inventor-loner. Demagogue. A bore. A charismatic leader.

Theme 9. Implementation of leadership styles in the organization

The behaviour of style carriers. Quality of communications of style carriers. Decision-making skills of style carriers. The process of implementing solutions of style carriers. The process of forming a team of style carriers. The process of personnel management by style carriers. The process of managing changes by style carriers.

Business Planning Undergraduate 6 A. Olkova, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. An entrepreneur as a subject of economic process

Economic process and economic order. Economic process and economic activity. Two main forms of economic activity. Street entrepreneurship. Internal entrepreneurship.

Theme 2. Economic contents of production activity

Elaboration and making of economic decision. Cooperation of production process participants. Substantive and process approaches to production.

Theme 3. Production process of a firm

Firm functions and firm internal structure. Preparation stage characteristics. Preparation stage contents. Product promotion from a producer to a consumer. Profit centers and loss centers of a firm.

Theme 4. Entrepreneurship as a specific form of economic activity

Self-organization principle. Business cycle.

Theme 5. Personal qualities of an entrepreneur

What is more important for an entrepreneur: education, luck, personal qualities? Business qualities concept. An entrepreneur and power. Entrepreneur motivation.

Theme 6. Business environment

Analysis goal. Structure and contents of business environment separate parts. Entrepreneurship environment peculiarities. Multidirectional interests impact on business environment

Theme 7. Business environment analysis

Sales concept (imposing of produced commodities). Marketing concept.

Theme 8. An entrepreneur as a self-organized subject of economic process

Entrepreneurship function contents. Business environment analysis. An entrepreneur self-organization in business environment.

Theme 9. Entrepreneurship activity logic

An entrepreneur philosophy. Entrepreneurship activity. Entrepreneurship activity logic.

Theme 10. Entrepreneurship types

Two maim types of entrepreneurship activity classification. Production entrepreneurship activity. Intermediary entrepreneurship activity. Entrepreneurship in financial industry. Service entrepreneurship.

Theme 11. Entrepreneurship schemes elaboration

Business project elaboration contents. Entrepreneurship schemes.

Theme 12. Business idea comprehension

An object of entrepreneurship process. A product and product life cycle. Business idea comprehension from a consumer side. Modeling of a product differences, underlying a business idea.

Theme 13. Reveal of initial capital requirement

Credit form of production organization. Project payback period. Taking into account time lag between moments of capital investment and benefit from functioning capital. Comparison of revenue from capital investment and benefit from functioning capital.

Theme 14. Capital structure and intellectual capital

Capital structure. Intellectual capital

Theme 15. Reveal of initial capital requirement

Fixed capital. Reveal of fixed assets requirement. Production process schemes modelling practice.

Theme 16. Partnerships

Entrepreneur actions for project realization. Deal concept. Main directions of partners cooperation. Cooperation in production field. Cooperation in commodity exchange field. Deals in trade field. Cooperation in financial relationship field.

Theme 17. Entrepreneurship contract

An entrepreneurship contract notion. Classification of contracts. An entrepreneur preparation for contract signing. An offer as a contract signing form. Formulation of contract terms.

Theme 18. Reveal of initial working capital requirement

Working capital. Defining of working capital volume requirement.

Theme 19. Capital structure and management

Prepayment and investment to fixed capital and its liquidity management. Working capital formation and its management.

Theme 20. Product price formation

Entrepreneur costs and price. Profit rate and mass. Minimum acceptable price formation. Calculation.

Theme 21. Investment plan and possible ways of initial capital formation

Investment plan. Initial capital formation sources. Project payback period. Profitability and profitability rate.

Theme 22. Preparation of business plan and feasibility study

Planning as the last stage of business project elaboration. Main economic and technical indexes, influencing idea choice and business project elaboration. Form and contents of a business plan. Feasibility study elaboration

Theme 23. Enterprise establishment

An enterprise as a business subject. Proper enterprise establishment. Possible legal forms of enterprises in Russia and abroad. Other forms of entrepreneur activity.

Theme 24. Entrepreneurship success

Parts of entrepreneurship success. Commercial information as a specific commodity. Who should do business today.

General Management Postgraduate 4 V. Shatalin


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction

Management as science and a specific type of professional activity. General scheme of management activity Becoming a professional: self-management problem

Theme 2. A management object

An organization as a management object: internal environment (organizational analysis from the systematic side). An organization: external environment (organizational analysis from the open side). Effectiveness and efficiency of organization interaction with external environment.

Theme 3. A manager: form of management object perception

Main manager duty. Situation and process approaches in management. Management concepts, oriented to a process (engineering and reengineering of business-processes). Functional approach in management (the first iteration). General and functional management.

Theme 4. Management subjects

Subjects of management process. Professional manager ideology. Management style. Role functions of a manager and subordinates

Theme 5. Main manager functional appointment

Main manager functional duty and conditions, determining such a duty fulfillment. Making decisions centers and management zones. Rational method of management decision making: elaboration process structuring. A manager: reference to other decision making methods. Management decision making: scientific method. Economic analysis as management decision making method. Decision making as a manager professional tool and as their authority indicator. Strategic management and decision making procedure. Efficiency of made decisions. Calculation of decision efficiency. Types of decisions and management style.  

Theme 6. Management process technology

Functional approach in management (the second iteration). Planning: role and place in general concept of management activity. Planning as management category. Planning types (manager planning activity). Strategic planning and strategic management peculiarities. Methods and principles of planning. A manager’s function of transformation of a plan to real actions. Performer’s motivation as a management function. Control as a management function.

Theme 7. Organizational structures and management models

Organization: manageability level and quality of management. Organizational structures and factors, determining their choice. Communication process in an organization. Management models and conditions of their implementation

Theme 8. Management: multiplicity of duties and practical actions

An organization as a set of management zones: principles and contents of zone management. Types of management actions: character and contents. Conclusion.

Intellectual process and data analysis Postgraduate 5 E. Itsakov, PhD

Annotation of working program of discipline (module)

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction to Process Mining

Theme 2. Data Mining

Theme 3. Decision Tree Learning

Theme 4. Confusion Matrix and Precision Metrics

Theme 5. Process Models Notations. Petri Net

Theme 6. Alpha-algorythm

Theme 7. How To Conduct Process Mining Project

Theme 8. Typical Analysis Questions

Theme 9. Practical Assignment for Process Mining Research


Advanced Risk Management Postgraduate 5 A. Olkova, PhD
II trimester. February – March
Discipline Level ECTS Professor
Cambridge English: General Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Language and Culture

Theme 2.Lives and Legends

Theme 3. Hot and Cold

Theme 4. Friends and Strangers

Theme 5. Law and Order

Theme 6. Seen and Heard

Theme 7. Supply and Demand

Theme 8. Love and Hate

Theme 9. Alive and Well

Theme 10. Right and Wrong

Theme 11. Land and Sea

Theme 12. Magic and Mystery

Theme 13. Parents and Children

Theme 14. Power and Money

Theme 15. Rhyme and Reason

Theme 16. Dreams and Reality

Theme 17. Fact and Fiction

Theme 18. Light and Dark

Theme 19. Great and Small

Theme 20. Theory and Practice

Cambridge English: BEC Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -


Preparation for BEC exam: levels B2, C1

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Staff development and training

Theme 2.Job descriptions and job satisfaction

Theme 3. Getting the right job

Theme 4. Making contact

Theme 5. Breaking into the market

Theme 6. A stand at a trade fair

Theme 7. Being persuasive

Theme 8. Starting a business

Theme 9. Financing a start-up

Theme 10. Expanding into Europe

Theme 11. Presenting your business idea

Theme 12. Arranging business travel

Theme 13. Business conference

Theme 14. Business meetings

Theme 15. Spending the sales budget

Theme 16. Language and Culture

Theme 17. Social media and business

Theme 18. Business and the environment

Theme 19. A staff survey

Theme 20. Offshoring and outsourcing

Theme 21. Customer satisfaction and loyalty

Theme 22. Communication with customers

Theme 23. Corresponding with customers

Theme 24. Business across cultures

Theme 25. Launching a product

Cambridge English: CPE Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
Cambridge English: CAE Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: GMAT Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: TOEFL Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: IELTS Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
Second foreign language Undergraduate/Postgaduate 4 -
Russian language Undergraduate / Postgraduate 4 A. Haustova


Practical course of Russian language:

Theme 1.

Introduction to the Russian language course for foreigners. Learning to speak and read Russian. Alphabet. Letters and sounds. Concise data on Russian pronunciation. The accent. Intonation.

Theme 2.

Vowels. Hard consonants. Accent in two-syllable words. Reduction of vowels. Introduction of the declarative sentence (the completed statement).

Theme 3.

Hard consonants. Accent in three-syllable words. Intonation of an interrogative sentence (with an interrogative word). Intonation of an interrogative sentence (without an interrogative word). Devocalization of voiced consonants at the end of a word.

Theme 4.

Hard consonants. Devocalization of voiced consonants before unvoiced others. Consonant [j] and letter «й». Letters я, е, ё, ю.How to name months. How to nameddates in Russian.

Theme 5.

Soft consonants. Reduction of vowels [e], [a] after soft consonants.How to name colours.How to name days of week.

Theme 6.

Soft consonants. Revision exercise. Writing a short story about your friend in Russian.

Theme 7.

We study to understand and speak Russian. How to name a person, to point to an object (Animate and inanimate nouns. Gender of nouns). How to address somebody, to begin a conversation. How to call a person’s profession, trade or occupation. How to ask about the location of an object or a person and how to say where an object or a person is located (Adverbs denoting location). Gender of nouns.

Theme 8.

How to indicate plurality. How to find out to whom something belongs (Possessive pronouns). How to present somebody (oneself), how to acquaint somebody (get acquainted). How to describe an object / a person (Adjectives, possessive and denominative pronouns, ordinal numerals in singular). How to find out possession of something by another person (The Genitive case of nouns singular). How to ask and tell about one’s possession of something (Construction Уменяесть). How to find out the name of something.

Theme 9.

How to report an action (Conjunction I Verbs in the Present Tense). How to find out the time an action (Adverbs of time). How to report the lack of an object / the absence of a person (The Genitive case of nouns singular). How to name a person with whom the action is performed (The Instrumental case of nouns singular).

Theme 10.

How to report an action (Conjunction II Verbs in the Present Tense). How to describe an action (Adverbs). How to find out whether your conversation partner speaks some (foreign) language. How to express one’s attitude to something, one’s wish (любить, хотеть + an infinitive). How to express cause and effect. How to convey obligation, possibilities (должен, мочь + an infinitive). Revision exercise. Final presentation.

Project Management Undergraduate 2 E. Itsakov, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Project management activity contents

Contents of manager professional activity in project management. Relationship between business project elaboration and project management. A manager authority in project management and frames of their responsibility. Project manager duties.

Theme 2. Project realization process management

Choice of project realization technology. Process and functional approach to project management. A manager function in project management. Planning in project activity. Completion of project realization work plan. Planning with network graph. Project work volume management. Authority distribution in project management. Organizational structure and its role in project management.

Theme 3. Cost management in business project elaboration

Budgeting in project activity. Planning of resources necessary for project realization. Project estimate and budget completion.

Theme 4. Quality management in project activity

Notion and goals of project quality management. Role of planning in quality management. Analytical tools used in project quality control.

Theme 5. HR management in project activity

Contents of project HR management activity. HR planning and staff list completion. Organizational structure formation. Staff recruitment. Project staff development. Motivation and control of project staff.

Theme 6. Partnership establishment in project activity

Partnership types in project activity. Contract relationship. Tender activity organization in project management. Necessary resources procurement graph planning. Contract relationship in financial sphere: crediting, project financing, mezzanine lending, leasing.

Theme 7. Communication management in project activity and formation of relationship with stakeholders

Project stakeholders’ set and their interests. Stakeholders’ identification and methods of their involvement to project activity. Planning of cooperation with stakeholders. Communication process organization in project.

Quality Management Undergraduate 2 K. Diossi, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1.  Introduction to Quality Management

The evolution of quality management. Major quality paradigms and the principles of quality management.

Theme 2.  Quality management systems

Total Qality Management, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing.

Theme 3.  International recognition of quality excellence

Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award, European Foundation for Quality Management, Model for the Quality Award of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Theme 4.  Building and Sustaining Total Quality Organizations

“Houston, we have a problem!” -  Apollo case study.

Global Marketing Undergraduate 2 V. Shatalin

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Global Cultural Environment and Buying Behavior

Theme 2. Global Segmentation and Positioning

Theme 3. Global Marketing Strategies

Theme 4. Global Marketing Entry Strategies

Theme 5. Global Product Policy Decisions: Developing New Products for Global Markets

Theme 6. Global Pricing

Theme 7. Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets

Business Decision analysis* Undergraduate 2 J. Falco


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Main duty of a manager and conditions defining fulfillment of this duty

Main duty and main assignment of a manager. Direction of decisions made by a manager. A script as environment of made decisions. Global issues affecting management decision making procedure.

Theme 2. Decision making centers and management zones

Why is a decision made? What does decision making mean? Refusal of decision making as a specific form of decision making. Subjective part of decision making. Daily activity of a manager and characteristic of their decisions. Manager activity with perspective: strategic management and strategic decisions. Tactic decisions. Decision making as a risk action. Decision as a form of responsibility taking. Management fault notion. What is a management problem. Management zones and management channels.

Theme 3. Rational method of management decision making: elaboration process structuring

Decision making theory. Management decision elaboration procedure. Part one: stimulus. Part two: consideration of change necessity (consideration of changed statement necessity). Part three: formation of goal change direction. Part six: goal formation. Part four: alternative modelling. Part five: choice of an alternative. A process in general.

Theme 4. A manager: other methods of decision making

A way of decision making as a technological process. Golden commercial rule and accounting of its requirements in decision making. Spontaneous way of decision making. Intuition way. Opinion as a method of management decision making. Opinion on the basis of formal logic. Opinion on the basis of experience, and character of made decisions. Process of binary decision making. Decision tree. Process of multivariant decision making. Process of innovative decision making (searching method of decision making). Opinion on the basis of knowledge, and character of made decisions. Appealing to accumulated knowledge. Reveal of minimum acceptable production volume and produced product realization. Reveal of zero-effectiveness point of advertising.

Theme 5. Management decision making: scientific approach

Programmed and non-programmed decisions. Subordination of management decisions. Striving for formation of subordinate decision system. Technology of scientific method usage. Operation research as decision making method. Modeling as management decision making method. A physical model. An analog model. Imitation method of decision making. Mathematic or economic and mathematic model.An example of mathematic modelling: decision making in inventory management. Forecasting as decision making method. Forecasting on the basis of experience. Assumption in forecasting. Game theory. Queue theory. 

Theme 6. Economic analysis as a method of decision making

Manager thinking stereotype and adequate character of made decisions. Decision making: taking into account alternative costs. Content of manager daily economic actions. Management decision making in minimum acceptable production volume fixing. Decision making in production volume maximizing. Reveal of optimal production volume with fixed capital amount. Current situation research. Imaginary situation research (marginal dimension analysis). Economic analysis as a method of decision making in production cost minimization. General productivity of a company. Decision making on the basis of general company productivity index. Individual productivity. Decision direction on the basis of individual productivity analysis. Economic analysis directed to saving of resources, included in production process. Economic analysis directed to profit maximization. Normative profit maximization. Gross profit maximization. Economic analysis, directed to market share expansion and character of made decisions.

Theme 7. Decision making as a professional tool of a manager and as an indicator of their authority

A manager’s authority. A manager: self-limitation of authority. Decision making as a management tool. Management activity: content and result of work. Unusual methods used in management decision making process. Intrigue as a management method. Decision making in firm profitability planning.

Theme 8. Strategic management and decision making procedure

Management types: strategic and operational management. Strategic management: contents and main characteristics. Strategy: notion interpretation. Strategic approach. Strategic management as management concept. Organization prototype as a key component of strategic management. Transformation of an organization to a prototype state. Doing actions as a way of transformation. Operational management concept peculiarities. Strategic thinking. Strategic value. False strategy concept. World practice: basic strategies. Basic strategies for transformed systems. Strategic management: decision making procedure. Choice of management strategies and character of made decisions.

Theme 9. Efficiency of made decisions

Efficiency as an effect of impact. Result function of made decisions: expression through a goal. Result function: expression through alternative result. Efficiency: expression through comparison of a goal and a result. Final efficiency. Relatedness of made decisions as a condition of their efficiency provision.

Theme 10. Definition of made decision effectiveness

Efficiency and effectiveness of decisions. Effective decisions as a manager’s utility function maximization. Definition of decision effectiveness on the basis of incommensurable base. Definition of decision effectiveness on the basis of commensurable base. Definition of decision effectiveness difficult for expression of a result in cost form. Definition of decision effectiveness using a concept of goal management. Indicators of made managerial decision effectiveness. Effectiveness and efficiency.

Theme 11. Types of made decisions and management style

Decision making theory in normative and positive forms. Types of made decisions. Management style and decision making elaboration procedure.

Risk Management Undergraduate 2 A. Olkova


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Risk management goals and contents. Risk management standards

Goals, structure and contents of risk management standards: ISO 31000:2009, COSO ERM, FERMA. Standards’ terminology. Approaches for definition of notions “uncertainty” and “risk”. Notion of event, opportunity and risk in accordance with the standard COSO ERM. Approaches to risk management definition. Risk management contents in process approach.

Theme 2. Definition of organizational risk management conditions

Notion of environment in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 73:2009. External environment, internal environment, risk management environment. External environment structure. External environment as a set of factors of direct and indirect impact. External environment as a set of opportunities and threats. Types of external environment conditions. Organizational macroenvironment analysis. PEST (PESTLE, STEEPLED) analysis. Peculiarities of external environment factors evaluation. Organizational microenvironment analysis. 5 Porter’s forces method. Internal environment analysis. Internal environment parts: goal, technology, structure, tasks, personnel, result. BCG matrix. Analysis of risk factors from internal environment side. Financial analysis. Joint analysis of external and internal environment. SWOT and SPACE analysis. Evaluation of firm strategic potential.

Theme 3. Risk identification

Risk identification as main part of risk evaluation system. Necessary information for risk identification. Identification rules and risk description. Risk identification methods: control lists, adjustable directional analysis, brainstorming, Delphi method, structural interview. Risk identification on different levels (of a company, a department, a business process, a project). Typical risks of a holding, business directions, business processes. Risk grouping and aggregation. Final risk list formation.

Theme 4. Risk evaluation

Risk evaluation process contents in accordance with international standards. Possibility evaluation, consequence evaluation, inherent risk evaluation, residual risk evaluation, risk management tools evaluation. Risk evaluation approaches: quantitative, semiquantitative, qualitative. Risk evaluation methods: observation, organizational (auxiliary) methods, scenery analysis, functional analysis, statistical methods, risk management tools analysis. Risk visualization. Fish-bone diagram, fault tree and event tree, bow-tie chart, tornado diagram, Spider diagram, risk matrix and map. Comparative risk analysis. Risk appetite definition and risk tolerance.

Theme 5. Risk management methods

Process of impact on organizational risk. Risk avoiding (evasion): assets sell, refusal from a project, leaving a market. Risk transfer: insurance, hedging, partnership. Risk minimization: consequence minimization and occurrence probability minimization. Risk acceptance: reserve creation and monitoring.

Theme 6. Risk reports compilation

Information about risks stakeholders need. Contents and structure of a risk report. Risk influence on organizational goals: RiskScorecard methodology. Risk visualization. Evaluation of impact on risks methods effectiveness.


Strategic Management Undergraduate 2 V. Shatalin


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Nature and content of strategic management

Main notions of strategic management. Strategic management evolution and its nature. Definition of strategy notion. External and internal organization environment. Organizational aspects of strategic management. Strategic planning as a main function of strategic management. Appearance and development of strategic planning and its specific characteristics. Strategic plan elaboration process and its structure.

Theme 2. Preplan strategic analysis

Current business state evaluation and perspectives of its development. SWOT-analysis. Business and product portfolio analysis. GAP-analysis. Forecasting role in preplan strategic analysis conducting. Scenario method. Research of a market and consumers. Demand and market share determination. Research of consumers. Segmentation and positioning. Competitiveness evaluation. Competitiveness: characteristic of approaches to its research. Choice of competitiveness indicators and its evaluation methods. Competitiveness of a product, marketing activity and a whole organization. Choice of increased competitiveness methods.

Theme 3. Strategic plan elaboration

Determination of organization mission, vision and goals. Organization mission and vision. Organization goals and their classification. Methods of goal system building and their priority identification. Goal achievement strategies. Strategy types and their main peculiarities. Based strategies of organizational development and their adaptation to real conditions and opportunities. Characteristic of strategic decision justification methods. Uncertainty and risk factor in choice of strategic alternatives. General characteristic of strategy and event evaluation methods. Role of expertise methods and sociological researches in strategic decision justification

Theme 4. Strategic plan realization management

 Processes, steps and tools (methods) of strategic plan realization. Strategic plan realization planning. Business-plan as a tool of strategic plan realization. Program-goal method usage in strategic planning. Models used in strategic plan realization. Change management in an organization. Fields of strategic changes in an organization. Reveal of problems for strategic change conduction. Conduction of strategic changes. Control and evaluation of strategic plan fulfillment results. Content and types of strategic control. Evaluation of strategic plan fulfillment effectiveness.


World Economy Undergraduate 2 D. Martyn
Sales Management* Undergraduate 2 D. Dorobat, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. A subject and main notions of commodity research

Quality and consumer characteristics of commodities, quality indexes, requirements to a product. Quality level, evaluation and control of quality. Assortment and competitiveness of commodities. Commodity safeness, commodities, prohibited to realization. Conditions and modes of commodity storage, commodity neighborhood. Bases of chemical foodstuff composition: food and energy value. Requirements to commodity marking. Accordance sign.

Theme 2. Commodity research of plant origin product

Sugar and its substitutes. Sugar classification and assortment. Natural bee honey: chemical composition, food value, classification and characteristic. Honey falsification, methods of its determination. Sugar and flour confectioneries: principles of assortment formation. Fresh horticultural commodities. Food value and meaning of fruit and vegetables in diet. Commodity research characteristic of separate fruit and vegetables groups. Taste products: beverages, tea and coffee. Peculiarities of taste products’ assortment classification and formation. Identity signs of taste products.

Theme 3. Commodity research of animal origin products

Milk and dairy products: potable milk, cream, fermented dairy products, dairy butter, cheese. Consumer characteristics range analysis and quality indicators of dairy products. Meat and meat products. Evaluation of meat quality in accordance with freshness and safeness indexes. Meat semiproducts. Marble meat, peculiarities of animals’ raising and feeding. Sausage goods and meat delicacy. Fish and fish products. Products, made by fish and non-fish objects of water fishing. Group assortment, food value and safeness of products from water fishing products.

Project Management in Banking Postgraduate 3 K. Diossi, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Definitions, Banking Sector in Russia and the World, Industry Drivers

Specialities of the banking sector with regards to project management.

Theme 2.  Success factors for Project Management in Banking

Banking knowledge, Project Management skills, communication and stakeholder management.

Theme 3.  Project – Program – Portfolio Management: differences and similarities.

The students become aware of the main factors around which they can optimize project efforts.

Theme 4.  Procurement, Risk Management

Importance and techniques of handling procurement. Different types of bank specific risks: credit risk, market risk, investment risk, operational risk.

Theme 5.  Project Management Methodologies: waterfall, scrum

Understanding the IT related background of banking and identifying the matching project management methodology.

Business Administration (cases) Postgraduate 4 J. Falco

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Presentation

Contents Overview. Methodology. Case: Coffe and cigarettes. second hand smoke and smoke free laws.

Theme 2. Strategical planning

Evolution. SWOT analysis. Boston Consulting Group Matrix. Strategic Choices. Porter´s Five Forces. The Value Chain. Case: Apple´s iPhone: Calling Europe or Europe Calling

Theme 3. Operations management

History and Evolution. The Strategic Role of Operations Management. Tools and Measures. Managing Goods and Services. Exercises. Presentations from Students

Theme 4. Marketing

Concept. Strategic and Operational Marketing. Marketing Information System. Reference Market. Segmentation. Positioning. Marketing Mix. PLC Model

Theme 5. Financial management

Business Analysis. P&L Statement Analysis. Balance Shit Analysis. Ratios. EBITDA, ROS, ROE and RONA. Need of Fonds for Operations and Working Capital. Balance Sheet Ratios. Cash Flow. Analysis and Diagnose. Exercises

Theme 6. Human resources management

Functions. Practical Case. Recruitment. Motivation Theories. Case: Health Time

Theme 7. Decision making

The Process. Environments. Tools. Styles. The Effective Decision Maker. Reframing the Problem. Most Common Mistakes. Case: Southwest Airlines

Theme 8. Leadership

Concept. Leadership vs Management. Practices. Styles. Theories. Authoritas and Power

Theme 9. Conclusion

Case: Nintendo´s Revolution

III trimester. April – June
Discipline Level ECTS Professor
Cambridge English: General* Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Language and Culture

Theme 2.Lives and Legends

Theme 3. Hot and Cold

Theme 4. Friends and Strangers

Theme 5. Law and Order

Theme 6. Seen and Heard

Theme 7. Supply and Demand

Theme 8. Love and Hate

Theme 9. Alive and Well

Theme 10. Right and Wrong

Theme 11. Land and Sea

Theme 12. Magic and Mystery

Theme 13. Parents and Children

Theme 14. Power and Money

Theme 15. Rhyme and Reason

Theme 16. Dreams and Reality

Theme 17. Fact and Fiction

Theme 18. Light and Dark

Theme 19. Great and Small

Theme 20. Theory and Practice

Cambridge English: BEC* Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -


Preparation for BEC exam: levels B2, C1

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Staff development and training

Theme 2.Job descriptions and job satisfaction

Theme 3. Getting the right job

Theme 4. Making contact

Theme 5. Breaking into the market

Theme 6. A stand at a trade fair

Theme 7. Being persuasive

Theme 8. Starting a business

Theme 9. Financing a start-up

Theme 10. Expanding into Europe

Theme 11. Presenting your business idea

Theme 12. Arranging business travel

Theme 13. Business conference

Theme 14. Business meetings

Theme 15. Spending the sales budget

Theme 16. Language and Culture

Theme 17. Social media and business

Theme 18. Business and the environment

Theme 19. A staff survey

Theme 20. Offshoring and outsourcing

Theme 21. Customer satisfaction and loyalty

Theme 22. Communication with customers

Theme 23. Corresponding with customers

Theme 24. Business across cultures

Theme 25. Launching a product

Cambridge English: CPE* Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
Cambridge English: CAE Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: GMAT Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: TOEFL* Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
English: IELTS Undergraduate / Postgraduate 10 -
Second foreign language Undergraduate / Postgraduate 6 -
Russian language* Undergraduate / Postgraduate 6 A. Haustova


Practical course of Russian language:

Theme 1.

Introduction to the Russian language course for foreigners. Learning to speak and read Russian. Alphabet. Letters and sounds. Concise data on Russian pronunciation. The accent. Intonation.

Theme 2.

Vowels. Hard consonants. Accent in two-syllable words. Reduction of vowels. Introduction of the declarative sentence (the completed statement).

Theme 3.

Hard consonants. Accent in three-syllable words. Intonation of an interrogative sentence (with an interrogative word). Intonation of an interrogative sentence (without an interrogative word). Devocalization of voiced consonants at the end of a word.

Theme 4.

Hard consonants. Devocalization of voiced consonants before unvoiced others. Consonant [j] and letter «й». Letters я, е, ё, ю.How to name months. How to nameddates in Russian.

Theme 5.

Soft consonants. Reduction of vowels [e], [a] after soft consonants.How to name colours.How to name days of week.

Theme 6.

Soft consonants. Revision exercise. Writing a short story about your friend in Russian.

Theme 7.

We study to understand and speak Russian. How to name a person, to point to an object (Animate and inanimate nouns. Gender of nouns). How to address somebody, to begin a conversation. How to call a person’s profession, trade or occupation. How to ask about the location of an object or a person and how to say where an object or a person is located (Adverbs denoting location). Gender of nouns.

Theme 8.

How to indicate plurality. How to find out to whom something belongs (Possessive pronouns). How to present somebody (oneself), how to acquaint somebody (get acquainted). How to describe an object / a person (Adjectives, possessive and denominative pronouns, ordinal numerals in singular). How to find out possession of something by another person (The Genitive case of nouns singular). How to ask and tell about one’s possession of something (Construction Уменяесть). How to find out the name of something.

Theme 9.

How to report an action (Conjunction I Verbs in the Present Tense). How to find out the time an action (Adverbs of time). How to report the lack of an object / the absence of a person (The Genitive case of nouns singular). How to name a person with whom the action is performed (The Instrumental case of nouns singular).

Theme 10.

How to report an action (Conjunction II Verbs in the Present Tense). How to describe an action (Adverbs). How to find out whether your conversation partner speaks some (foreign) language. How to express one’s attitude to something, one’s wish (любить, хотеть + an infinitive). How to express cause and effect. How to convey obligation, possibilities (должен, мочь + an infinitive). Revision exercise. Final presentation.

Sustainable Development Undergraduate 3 V. Shatalin

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction to Sustainable Development

Theme 2. Sustainability as a Driver for Change and Innovation

Theme 3. Sustainability Strategies

Theme 4. Enforcing Sustainable Development

Theme 5. Business Sustainability Management

Macroeconomics Undergraduate 3 V. Shatalin

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction to Macroeconomics

Theme 2. Measuring National Output and National Income

Theme 3. Long-Run and Short-Run Concerns: Growth, Productivity, and Inflation

Theme 4. Aggregate Expenditure and Equilibrium Output

Theme 5. The Government and Fiscal Policy

Theme 6. The Money Supply and the Federal Reserve System

Theme 7. Money Demand, the Equilibrium Interest Rate

Theme 8. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and Inflation

Sales Management* Undergraduate 3 D. Dorobat, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. A subject and main notions of commodity research

Quality and consumer characteristics of commodities, quality indexes, requirements to a product. Quality level, evaluation and control of quality. Assortment and competitiveness of commodities. Commodity safeness, commodities, prohibited to realization. Conditions and modes of commodity storage, commodity neighborhood. Bases of chemical foodstuff composition: food and energy value. Requirements to commodity marking. Accordance sign.

Theme 2. Commodity research of plant origin product

Sugar and its substitutes. Sugar classification and assortment. Natural bee honey: chemical composition, food value, classification and characteristic. Honey falsification, methods of its determination. Sugar and flour confectioneries: principles of assortment formation. Fresh horticultural commodities. Food value and meaning of fruit and vegetables in diet. Commodity research characteristic of separate fruit and vegetables groups. Taste products: beverages, tea and coffee. Peculiarities of taste products’ assortment classification and formation. Identity signs of taste products.

Theme 3. Commodity research of animal origin products

Milk and dairy products: potable milk, cream, fermented dairy products, dairy butter, cheese. Consumer characteristics range analysis and quality indicators of dairy products. Meat and meat products. Evaluation of meat quality in accordance with freshness and safeness indexes. Meat semiproducts. Marble meat, peculiarities of animals’ raising and feeding. Sausage goods and meat delicacy. Fish and fish products. Products, made by fish and non-fish objects of water fishing. Group assortment, food value and safeness of products from water fishing products.

Lean Management* Undergraduate 3 K. Diossi, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction to lean management

Main notions, terms and definitions. A subject and tasks of lean management. General model of an enterprise structure. Meaning of lean management concept. Operational resources, which may be optimized.

Theme 2. Principles of lean production

Evolution of lean production concept development. Lean production phenomenon of Japan. Goals of lean production. Toyota production system. Lean management in an office. Peculiarities of lean production implementation. Activity creating value. Reveal of a concrete product value. Reveal of value creation flow. Support of ongoing value creation flow. Pulling scheme of production process. Permanent strive to perfection.

Theme 3. Lean production tools

Simple tools of lean production concept. 5S system: sorting, rational placement, keeping clean, standardization, perfection. Loss elimination. Defense from faults. Visual control. Kanban. Difficult tools of lean production concept. Quick changeover of machines. Kaizen. Just-in-time. General productive machine service. Autonomization. Chart alignment for production load. Map of value creation flow.

Theme 4. Technologies of lean production concept implementation

Traditional approaches to lean production concept implementation. Algorithm of lean production concept implementation. Organizational development strategy. Systematic technology of intervention. Project management. Overcoming resistance to changes. Corporate culture and lean management.

Theme 5. Experience of lean production concept implementation

Foreign experience of lean production concept implementation. Russian experience of lean production concept implementation. Perspectives of lean production concept perfection. Lean production concept development. Quickly responsive production concept. Transfer from functional plants to cells with group technology. Active production Scenario strategy and permanent readiness to changes.

Organizational Development* Undergraduate 3 K. Diossi, PhD

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction to Organization Development

Definition. History. Values. Key concepts

Theme 2. Models of organizations and organizational changes

Interpersonal and Individual Skills: Consulting, Leadership Training, Management Development, LIFO & MBTI, Conflict Negotiation Skills, Strategic Thinking, Assessment Centers, 360 Feedback, Executive Coaching. Group Dynamics: Sensitivity Training, Tavistock Workshops, Team Building, Intergroup Workshops, Process Consultation, Diversity Workshop, TQM, QWL, Self Managed Teams, Global and Virtual Teams. Systems Theory and Organisational Change Models: Socio-Technical Designs, Gestalt Theory, Open Systems Planning, Process Redesign, Learning Organisation, Large Group Interventions, Social Network Analysis, Process Management. Survey Research: Surveys, Data Feedback, System 4, Action Learning, Climate Surveys, Appreciative Inquiry, Action Research

Theme 3. Underlying values and ethics

Misrepresentation. Misuse of data. Coercion. Collusion. Promising unrealistic outcomes. Deception and conflict of values. Professional/technical ineptness

Cross-Cultural Management* Undergraduate 3 I. Tabachnikova, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1.  Introduction to Business Etiquette

Conceptual differences: law, ethics, etiquette.

Theme 2.  Behaviour, Neatness and Clothing

Meeting and greeting business partners. Dealing with business cards. Introduction of business partners. Running conversations in person and on the phone. Handling unforeseeable situations. Business attire and neatness.

Theme 3.  Hospitality and Business Presents

Invitations and event etiquette. Business present policies.

Theme 4.  Business in Different Cultural Clusters

Using the GLOBE research the following clusters: Africa, Middle East, Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, Latin Europe, Latin America, Easterns Europe, East Asia and South Asia.

Global Marketing Undergraduate 3 V. Shatalin

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Global Cultural Environment and Buying Behavior

Theme 2. Global Segmentation and Positioning

Theme 3. Global Marketing Strategies

Theme 4. Global Marketing Entry Strategies

Theme 5. Global Product Policy Decisions: Developing New Products for Global Markets

Theme 6. Global Pricing

Theme 7. Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets

Business Decision analysis* Undergraduate 3 J. Falco


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Main duty of a manager and conditions defining fulfillment of this duty

Main duty and main assignment of a manager. Direction of decisions made by a manager. A script as environment of made decisions. Global issues affecting management decision making procedure.

Theme 2. Decision making centers and management zones

Why is a decision made? What does decision making mean? Refusal of decision making as a specific form of decision making. Subjective part of decision making. Daily activity of a manager and characteristic of their decisions. Manager activity with perspective: strategic management and strategic decisions. Tactic decisions. Decision making as a risk action. Decision as a form of responsibility taking. Management fault notion. What is a management problem. Management zones and management channels.

Theme 3. Rational method of management decision making: elaboration process structuring

Decision making theory. Management decision elaboration procedure. Part one: stimulus. Part two: consideration of change necessity (consideration of changed statement necessity). Part three: formation of goal change direction. Part six: goal formation. Part four: alternative modelling. Part five: choice of an alternative. A process in general.

Theme 4. A manager: other methods of decision making

A way of decision making as a technological process. Golden commercial rule and accounting of its requirements in decision making. Spontaneous way of decision making. Intuition way. Opinion as a method of management decision making. Opinion on the basis of formal logic. Opinion on the basis of experience, and character of made decisions. Process of binary decision making. Decision tree. Process of multivariant decision making. Process of innovative decision making (searching method of decision making). Opinion on the basis of knowledge, and character of made decisions. Appealing to accumulated knowledge. Reveal of minimum acceptable production volume and produced product realization. Reveal of zero-effectiveness point of advertising.

Theme 5. Management decision making: scientific approach

Programmed and non-programmed decisions. Subordination of management decisions. Striving for formation of subordinate decision system. Technology of scientific method usage. Operation research as decision making method. Modeling as management decision making method. A physical model. An analog model. Imitation method of decision making. Mathematic or economic and mathematic model.An example of mathematic modelling: decision making in inventory management. Forecasting as decision making method. Forecasting on the basis of experience. Assumption in forecasting. Game theory. Queue theory. 

Theme 6. Economic analysis as a method of decision making

Manager thinking stereotype and adequate character of made decisions. Decision making: taking into account alternative costs. Content of manager daily economic actions. Management decision making in minimum acceptable production volume fixing. Decision making in production volume maximizing. Reveal of optimal production volume with fixed capital amount. Current situation research. Imaginary situation research (marginal dimension analysis). Economic analysis as a method of decision making in production cost minimization. General productivity of a company. Decision making on the basis of general company productivity index. Individual productivity. Decision direction on the basis of individual productivity analysis. Economic analysis directed to saving of resources, included in production process. Economic analysis directed to profit maximization. Normative profit maximization. Gross profit maximization. Economic analysis, directed to market share expansion and character of made decisions.

Theme 7. Decision making as a professional tool of a manager and as an indicator of their authority

A manager’s authority. A manager: self-limitation of authority. Decision making as a management tool. Management activity: content and result of work. Unusual methods used in management decision making process. Intrigue as a management method. Decision making in firm profitability planning.

Theme 8. Strategic management and decision making procedure

Management types: strategic and operational management. Strategic management: contents and main characteristics. Strategy: notion interpretation. Strategic approach. Strategic management as management concept. Organization prototype as a key component of strategic management. Transformation of an organization to a prototype state. Doing actions as a way of transformation. Operational management concept peculiarities. Strategic thinking. Strategic value. False strategy concept. World practice: basic strategies. Basic strategies for transformed systems. Strategic management: decision making procedure. Choice of management strategies and character of made decisions.

Theme 9. Efficiency of made decisions

Efficiency as an effect of impact. Result function of made decisions: expression through a goal. Result function: expression through alternative result. Efficiency: expression through comparison of a goal and a result. Final efficiency. Relatedness of made decisions as a condition of their efficiency provision.

Theme 10. Definition of made decision effectiveness

Efficiency and effectiveness of decisions. Effective decisions as a manager’s utility function maximization. Definition of decision effectiveness on the basis of incommensurable base. Definition of decision effectiveness on the basis of commensurable base. Definition of decision effectiveness difficult for expression of a result in cost form. Definition of decision effectiveness using a concept of goal management. Indicators of made managerial decision effectiveness. Effectiveness and efficiency.

Theme 11. Types of made decisions and management style

Decision making theory in normative and positive forms. Types of made decisions. Management style and decision making elaboration procedure.

Business Administration (cases) Postgraduate 4 J. Falco

Structure of course:

Theme 1. Presentation

Contents Overview. Methodology. Case: Coffe and cigarettes. second hand smoke and smoke free laws.

Theme 2. Strategical planning

Evolution. SWOT analysis. Boston Consulting Group Matrix. Strategic Choices. Porter´s Five Forces. The Value Chain. Case: Apple´s iPhone: Calling Europe or Europe Calling

Theme 3. Operations management

History and Evolution. The Strategic Role of Operations Management. Tools and Measures. Managing Goods and Services. Exercises. Presentations from Students

Theme 4. Marketing

Concept. Strategic and Operational Marketing. Marketing Information System. Reference Market. Segmentation. Positioning. Marketing Mix. PLC Model

Theme 5. Financial management

Business Analysis. P&L Statement Analysis. Balance Shit Analysis. Ratios. EBITDA, ROS, ROE and RONA. Need of Fonds for Operations and Working Capital. Balance Sheet Ratios. Cash Flow. Analysis and Diagnose. Exercises

Theme 6. Human resources management

Functions. Practical Case. Recruitment. Motivation Theories. Case: Health Time

Theme 7. Decision making

The Process. Environments. Tools. Styles. The Effective Decision Maker. Reframing the Problem. Most Common Mistakes. Case: Southwest Airlines

Theme 8. Leadership

Concept. Leadership vs Management. Practices. Styles. Theories. Authoritas and Power

Theme 9. Conclusion

Case: Nintendo´s Revolution

Hospitality Management* Postgraduate 4 D. Dorobat, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Introduction to the hospitality industry

Diversity and inclusion. The importance of customers. Types of hospitality establishments. Management frameworks

Theme 2. Human resource management in the hospitality industry     

Motivation theories (Maslow, Hertzberg, Pink). Diversity management. Leadership in hospitality

Theme 3. Operations management in the hospitality industry  

Kitchen and restaurant operations. Menu planning, design and engineering. Food as a social construct and as cultural identity. Types of service. HACCP

Theme 4. Financial management in the hospitality industry     

Revenue management. Business modelling. Cost structure templates

Theme 5. Marketing in the hospitality industry  

Customer touchpoint mapping. Customer relationship management. Market segmentation. Communication and distribution channels

Theme 6. Project management in the hospitality industry (Event planning)      

Project management tools (Responsibility matrix, Gantt charts, Weighted scoring model)

Startup organisation and launch* Postgraduate 4 E. Itsakov, PhD


Structure of course:

11 mistakes first time founders do at least once

How to find product-market fit

Why develop new product or service?

Top reasons startups fail Finding product-market fit for your product

Product development framework

Customer development overview

The Technology Life Cycle Adoption Curve

Customer Discovery Process

PMF map

Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) framework overview

Customer listening

Building customer’s profile and JTBD for your project

OMTM and how to pick OMTM (by stages of maturity)

North Start Metrics

Customer Segmentation

AARRR Metrics

Task Prioritization (ICE)

Startup KPI Dashboard

Building KPI Dashboard for your project


Setting growth loops


5Ws and an H

Sales Funnel

Channel Types and Channel Phases

Pricing Strategies

HR, Legal and Housekeeping (Cap table, contracts, data room)

Choose a pricing strategy and prepare a sales strategy across channels and phases

Fundraising and Pitching

Deck types and deck design

30s elevator pitch

Presenting and pitching your own project

Financial Accounting and Analysis*Undergraduate Undergraduate 4 A. Olkova, PhD


Structure of course:

Theme 1. Objectives and methods of financial analysis Basic concepts of financial analysis. Goals, objectives and subject of discipline financial analysis. Professional competencies formed during the development of the discipline. Interdisciplinary connections of financial analysis with other disciplines. The importance of discipline in the training of specialists in the direction of "Management". The essence and significance of financial analysis. The purpose and main objectives of financial analysis.

Theme 2. Financial statements Assessment of financial statements of the enterprise. Methods of analysis of financial statements. Use of financial statements in the construction of enterprise strategy. Use of financial statements to attract investors to the company.

Theme 3. General assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise Unsatisfactory and satisfactory condition of the enterprise. Risk assessment at the enterprise. Pre-bankruptcy state of the enterprise. Financially stable companies.

Theme 4. Assessment of financial stability of the enterprise Valuation of assets and liabilities of the company. Valuation of intangible assets. Assessment of intellectual capital. The importance of assessing financial stability in the management of the company. Assessment of financial statements at the sale of the company.

Theme 5. Analysis of financial results and profitability of the organization The result of the company. Reporting on the results of the month, quarter, six months, year. Assessment of trends in reporting. Forecasting of financial results on the basis of reports. Determination of profitability of the organization on the basis of the data received from reports of the company.

Theme 6. Analysis of business activity of the organization Analysis of business activity of the organization on the received reports. Difference in reporting under RAS and IFRS. Approaches to the interpretation of the data.

Theme 7. Assessment of potential bankruptcy of the organization Assessment of potential bankruptcy of the enterprise. Use of stress test methods. Assessment of bankruptcy of a commercial enterprise, industrial enterprise, banking organization.

Welcome week program
Date Where What
14th September,
Campus hotel
(Vernadskogo av., 82)
15th September,
Underground floor of a campus hotel
(Vernadskogo an.,82 building 4)
Moscow tour with FESS staff
16th September,
Dean's office of the Faculty
(Vernadskogo av., 82, building 5, 305)
Enrolment procedure
(documents filling in, registration, etc.)
16th September,
(Vernadskogo av., 82-84)
Visit to the Studying Area, Library, Canteen and other useful premises
16th September,
Dean's office of the Faculty
(Vernadskogo an.,82 building 5, 305)
Meeting with students of a 'Buddy program'. Meeting with the tutor
Buddy program
Buddy Position E-mail
Margarita A. Kozlova FESS head of study department kozlova-ma@ranepa.ru
Anastasiia A. Haustova FESS leading specialist khaustova-aa@ranepa.ru

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+7 917 521-16-22 с 9:00 до 21:00 пн-вс

+7 909 680-09-52 с 9:00 до 18:00 пн-пт

119571, Москва, проспект Вернадского, 82с1
(5 учебный корпус РАНХиГС), 3 этаж, кабинет 305.

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